Zakir HossainHow to move volume group from one host to another?For example we have a system named HOST-A and its OS version is too old and we have to migrate the OS to the latest version. In this case…Feb 15, 2024Feb 15, 2024
Zakir HossainHow to configure password expire notification of FreeIPA user?It’s crucial to be aware before a user’s password expires so that they can update it on their own. By default, FreeIPA doesn’t notify users…Nov 21, 2024Nov 21, 2024
Zakir HossainSolution for space release after delete big size file from a Linux system.We, system admin occasionally had space problems with our production system. After reviewing the system, it has been observed that a large…Oct 17, 2024Oct 17, 2024
Zakir HossainHow to track effectively the events within a directory?It can be necessary for a system administrator to occasionally keep an eye on directory events. For example, if a file is generated in a…Jul 18, 2024Jul 18, 2024
Zakir HossainHow to optimized RHEL based OS?When a new operating system is installed, a number of unnecessary packages are installed by default, which consuming precious resources and…Jul 16, 2024Jul 16, 2024
Zakir HossainHow to move live swap process to physical memory?On occasion, we have notice that our server is experiencing excessive swapping. This is mostly caused by the server’s default swappiness…Feb 11, 2024Feb 11, 2024
Zakir HossainHow to send Email from closed network?Sending email notifications from the production system is crucial for any type of critical service condition. However provide internet…Aug 24, 2023Aug 24, 2023
Zakir HossainHow to protect lateral movement using host firewall?Since nothing is secure in the online world, security is now the top priority for every system or network administrator. The majority of…Aug 18, 2023Aug 18, 2023
Zakir HossainHow can I find out which SSL/TLS cipher suites my Linux operating system supports?Sometimes its may required to know that which SSL/TLS version is supported by Linux OS. Now i will share a simple tricks to do so.Aug 13, 2023Aug 13, 2023
Zakir HossainConfigure Password-less authentication without failure.Password-less communication between different hosts is occasionally necessary, although ssh-copy-id command may not always function, in…Aug 17, 2023Aug 17, 2023